Bringing to center stage the nobility of a coffee rich in taste and color.
The idea behind the branding naming and concept was to go back to the origins of coffee in Venice, where in the 17th century we first heard of "Botega da caffé" (coffee shop) at St. Mark's Square. Thanks to its strategic position and its commercial relations with the Arab world - it was in Venice that the tradition of cafes was born.
The name “Café Baronne” was derived from the Italian nobility title ‘Baroni’, which collectively represented Signori, Knights and Vassals. As our target audience is a women of french origin, the title was adapted to “Baronne”. Moreover, “Baronne” also phonetically resembles Barista, a person whose job involves preparing and serving different types of coffee.
Inspired by this lagoon city, its romantic aura and its noble architecture, the branding visual identity concept stems from the colorful gondola poles that where unique to each Venetian noble family. Each coffee capsule flavor is named after a different Italian man, each baring certain qualities women look for in their ideal partner.